Know the ultimate law of averages for growth mindset for sales


Are you a freelancer struggling to find clients? Do you feel like you're constantly searching for new leads with little success? Don't worry, you're not alone. Finding clients is a challenge that many freelancers face. But fear not, because in this article, we will discuss the ultimate law of averages to help you find more clients and grow your freelancing business.

It is often difficult for technical or skilled workers to focus on many productive and non-productive tasks which highly increases the chance of growth of their business. One common area where these highly skilled individuals often struggle is marketing their services and approaching clients. While their technical expertise is unquestionable, they may lack the knowledge or a consistent approach to generate a steady stream of leads.

They often described it as - “I don’t know how they are getting more work” or “I don’t know man, I am not so proficient in marketing”. These kinds of words you may hear often or maybe you are one these people. Well, to describe it precisely - I must say that there is no any magical formula used to generate more clients leads. It is all about consistent approach successful people use for network marketing. They use The Law of Averages.

Understanding the Law of Averages

The law of averages, in sales, is a principle that asserts that the more you pitch your services or products to potential clients, the higher the chances are of getting a positive response. It's a numbers game. The more people you reach out to, the more likely you are to find clients.

According to Jim Rohn, the Law of Averages says that if you do something with consistent efforts, a ratio will begin to appear. If you email to 10 people per example and 1 says yes, a ratio will begin to appear; you are at 1:10. You’ll notice that once it starts, it tends to continue. If you talk to 10 you’ll get 1. Talk to 10 more, get 1 and so on. This is also referred to as conversation rate in the technical IT world.

So the key here is to keep in momentum and keep doing everything that will increase your chance to enhance the ratio like 2:10 or 3:10. And this way Mathematically, you can increase your chances of winning more deals.

“Even a broken clock is right twice a day." ~Stephen Hunt, The Court of the Air

The other benefit of believing in the law of averages teaches us to ACCEPT that bad things would happen that we cannot control even if we were very well prepared and have everything in order. Like follow this - “Improvise and Action”. Keep following these two in the loop.

You will face many struggles when you kick-start your career even when you are technically sound. So instead of worrying about the opportunities that fled you, just keep in momentum and you will get the next one and the next one. And remember, Success usually Comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it! So keep moving forward.

This law can be applied in any area of life whether you want to get a great job or you want to be a famous internet celebrity. But for now, let’s just talk about how as a freelancer or a business developer you can implement it using few steps.

Developing the right mindset

Finding clients as a freelancer requires a specific mindset. You need to be persistent, resilient, and proactive. Understand that rejection is part of the process, and it should not discourage you. Instead, use each rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve your approach. Develop a positive attitude and believe in the value you provide to your clients.

Building a targeted client list

To apply the law of averages effectively, you need to start with a targeted client list. Identify your ideal clients based on your expertise, industry, and services you offer. Conduct thorough research to understand their needs, pain points, and how your services can add value to their businesses. Having a targeted list ensures that you're reaching out to the right people and increases your chances of success.

Reaching out to potential clients

Now that you have a targeted client list, it's time to start reaching out to them. But how do you approach potential clients without sounding too salesy or desperate? The key is to personalize your outreach and offer genuine value.

Crafting personalized outreach messages

When reaching out to potential clients, make your messages personalized and tailored to their specific needs. Show them that you've done your homework and understand their business. Address their pain points and offer a solution. Use a conversational tone and avoid sounding generic or too formal.

Utilizing social media platforms

Social media platforms are powerful tools for finding clients. LinkedIn, for example, allows you to connect with professionals in your industry and start meaningful conversations. Join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and showcase your expertise. Engage with potential clients by providing valuable insights and advice.

Networking and referrals

Networking is an essential part of finding clients. Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to connect with like-minded professionals. Build relationships, exchange ideas, and leverage your network for referrals. People are more likely to trust recommendations from someone they know, so make an effort to maintain strong professional relationships.

Leveraging online marketplaces

Online marketplaces, such as Upwork, Employ Digital and Freelancer, provide a platform for freelancers to showcase their skills and find clients. Create an impressive profile that highlights your experience, expertise, and previous projects. Optimize your profile with relevant keywords to improve your visibility. Be proactive in searching for relevant job opportunities and submit compelling proposals.

Tracking and analyzing results

To make the most of the law of averages, track and analyze your results. Keep a record of your outreach efforts, responses, and conversions. Identify patterns and strategies that work well for you. Adjust your approach accordingly and continuously refine your client acquisition process.

Types of Customers

Now you have an idea about the law so let’s talk about which kind of customers you encounter when you start approaching. It's important to know the type of customers you are dealing with. According to "Improvement Pill" Channel on youtube, There are 3 kinds of customers.

1. Hard Nosed Clients

  • Loves whatever they have
  • Doesn’t want to read your pitch
  • Loves deleting emails without even reading
  • Extremely common

Difficulty Level: Almost Impossible

2. The Indifferent Clients

  • Have minor issues with their current website or related
  • They not looking to buy but ready to read whatever you have sent
  • If you try and present a good deal this type can be converted into the potential lead

Difficulty Level: Medium

3. The Easy Client

  • Having issues with their current thing and desperately in need of someone who can fix
  • These people are very hard to find
  • Once found easiest to sale

Difficulty Level: Elementary

This kind is also somewhat lazy. So your mail should reach this kind anyhow. Finding this kind is extremely hard like 1:50 - but once found you will get tons of referrals from them.

Like the law states that the likelihood of certain events outs if the frequency is increased which means if you spend the whole day sending emails to hard-nosed clients you were not to get discouraged because if you keep emailing you will eventually meet an easy client.

Now, as you know everything about how the law works, let us specify that it only works when you purely polish your skills. It won’t work when you just know few technical jargons with the fake profile. Take your time being skilled first, have your own website, have your own portfolio, have your own brand and then start applying this law.

Happy Hunting Clients!

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